Why Human Content Writers Are More Essential Than Ever in the Era of AI and Google’s 2024 Algorithm Update

AI has undeniably taken humanity by storm in no time. Be it AI-generated voices that replicate singers, texts that look creative and grammatically sound by ChatGPT, images generated by Dall-E or Leonardo, or videos that can make even our Prime Minister dance to “Yimmy-yimmy,” AI has advanced significantly in a short period, matching many human capabilities to a decent extent.

At WebiDesigners, our creative team recently discussed the emergence of AI writing versus human content writers, and we thought our readers should also be part of this intriguing conversation.

So, what actually differentiates AI-generated content from content written by human writers? Let us discuss a few points to understand the differences:

1 – Accessibility:   

The primary reason for using ChatGPT or other AI text generators is the ease of  access. You just log in and ask for what you want, and it’ll give you multiple results in just a few seconds. In contrast, a human content writer will not always be available at your fingertips to write the smallest messages or emails regarding leaves and half-days.

2 – Content Generation:

Suppose you want content ideas for a newly launched tea brand’s marketing strategy. You have two go-to options: ChatGPT/Gemini and a WebiDesigner content writer. You’d ask both to come up with ideas by giving essential details, and both would provide suggestions. What differences would we get here? Regardless of the answers, we will notice differences in speed, creativity, and plagiarism. Let’s explore how:

  1. Speed & Efficiency: GPT & Gemini would generate the result immediately after you click the enter button, whereas the WebiDesigners content writers would brainstorm several unique and catchy slogans to start with. An interesting comparison here is that humans will never be able to generate content at the same speed and efficiency as GPT & Gemini.
  2. Creativity: Creativity is the area where WebiDesigners content writers excel compared to AI text generators. AI generators take references from the information provided or borrow information from search engines. In contrast, WebiDesigners content writers come up with ideas through pure brainstorming. Even if references exist, they ensure they only take inspiration and do not copy.
  3. Plagiarism: Content generated by AI is not plagiarism-proof, and as per Google’s new algorithm update, much of the AI-generated content will not make it to the top of the searches. This is a significant point. Because content writers at WebiDesigners generate content purely from their minds, it’s very unusual to encounter copyright issues or plagiarism. At WebiDesigners, we take plagiarism very seriously and believe that every client deserves unique content if they are partnering with us for digital upgrades.

3 – Professional Writing:

From our understanding and usage of AI, there are fixed templates when it comes to professional writing. While GPT/Gemini are great at writing professional emails, frequent users can quickly identify whether an email is written by a human or AI. Professional writing makes a significant difference in people’s minds when it comes to sales and marketing emails. A human-written professional email has better chances of engagement than a fixed-template AI email.

4 – Proofreading:

AI need humans to proofread what’s written, and content writers need AI to cross-verify grammar and spelling checks. What becomes more important is that when the two work together, they are more efficient and productive. Content writers can use AI for proofreading grammar for more efficient project delivery. At WebiDesigners, we have observed that content writers need more time when reading their longer written articles and blogs. A little help from AI to check grammar won’t harm anyone.

Conclusion by WebiDesigners:

In summary, while AI offers undeniable advantages in content creation speed and accessibility, human writers remain vital for their creativity, ability to avoid plagiarism, and capacity for detailed emotional connection. The future of content creation likely lies in a collaborative approach, where AI streamlines tasks and human writers leverage their unique strengths to create content that is both informative and engaging. By combining human expertise with AI’s efficiency, businesses can develop content strategies that resonate with their target audiences and achieve their digital marketing goals.

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